IT Consumerization Actual Use: Conceptual Model Development

Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2020     |     PP. 23-42      |     PDF (292 K)    |     Pub. Date: September 25, 2020
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Lorraine Lamb, DXC Technology, Atlanta, USA
Pamila Dembla, Information Systems, Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, USA

At a time when technology “As a Service” is common place for delivering information system solutions and in particular workplace mobility services, IT Consumerization has become a staple within the large enterprise workplace services portfolio. Having a conceptual design to extend and grow our knowledge about the phenomenon is a critical prerequisite for both academic and business persons alike. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First and in a very broad sense, this paper provides new researchers with mindfulness toward applying existing historical theory within their own research discipline toward their phenomenon of interest, and thereby fine-tune the conceptual model to the current challenges apropos for today’s industry and academic fields. Secondly, this paper takes a deeper dive into the phenomenon of actual use of IT Consumerization services in today’s business world providing steps to practitioners who are seeking to enable change and learning in a corporate setting through the use of mobility workplace services. The following conceptual model integrates one of the theoretical frameworks instinctive to the information system stream of research where actual use behaviors are at the forefront. In having a quality conceptual model, we as researchers will then find ourselves in a position to grow a sound foundation for future research.

IT Consumerization, Actual Use, Theory of Planned Action, Mobility, Workplace Services

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Lorraine Lamb, Pamila Dembla, IT Consumerization Actual Use: Conceptual Model Development , SCIREA Journal of Information Science and Systems Science. Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2020 | PP. 23-42.


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