Ecotoxicity of Purified Industrial Wastewater

Volume 3, Issue 3, June 2019     |     PP. 70-93      |     PDF (566 K)    |     Pub. Date: June 17, 2019
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Mariyana Lyubenova, Faculty of biology, University of Sofia, 8 D. Tzankov Blv., Bulgaria
Snejana Dineva, Faculty of Techniques and Technology, Trakia University - Stara Zagora;; Yambol 8602, "Gr. Ignatiev" str. №38, Bulgaria
Kristiana Cala, Faculty of biology, University of Sofia, 8 D. Tzankov Blv., Bulgaria
Branislav Dinich, Faculty of biology, University of Sofia, 8 D. Tzankov Blv., Bulgaria
Silvena Boteva, Faculty of biology, University of Sofia, 8 D. Tzankov Blv., Bulgaria

Copper express ecotoxicity at higher concentrations in aquatic environment, even it is an essential trace element. The contamination of environment with copper appears by manufacturing of rolled and extruded copper and copper alloy products. There is a gap of knowledge how the toxicity of copper is changes in dependence on aquatic conditions. The aim of study is to evaluate the toxic effects of higher copper concentrations added to purify industrial wastewater (PIWW) and to compare those effects with the same copper concentrations, but in distilled water. Also the aim of investigation included the assessment of potential toxicity of PIWW. The probable toxicity of PIWW has been evaluated using test-systems with Pseudorasbora parva (topmouth gudgeon) and Lepidium sativum L (garden cress). The acute toxicity of purified wastewater was tested with Pseudorasbora parva. The conditions of test were kept according to ISO 7346. The acute toxicity of PIWW was calculated in compliance with mortality of Pseudorasbora parva in dilutions 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 times, and distillate water (DW) was used as a control. The LC50 has been calculated approximately at 8x (7.69) times dilution of PIWW. The toxic effect of PIWW with and without copper ions, added as CuSO4 have been measured using Lepidium sativum L. The comparison of the toxic effects of the same concentrations of copper in PIWW and DW, mixed and non-mixed contamination has been evaluated. It was found that Cu+2 has inhibitory effects on the root’s and stem’s growth of Lepidium sativum L seeds, and that effect appears in concentrations over 2 mg/l Cu+2. The 50% inhibition of root’s growth in DW was EC50=7.26 mg/l of copper ions, while for PIWW that concentration was EC50 =17.23 mg/l Cu+2. The calculated EC50 for stem’s growing in DW was 54.57 mg/l Cu+2 and 72.07 mg/l Cu+2 in PIWW. The observed EC50 differences in DW and PIWW perhaps are due to the formation of ligand compounds among copper cations and other impurities in the wastewater and hence as consequences reducing of free Cu+2 or their bioavailability, hereafter that reduce copper toxicity. It was observed that PIWW diminished growth inhibitory effect of copper ions on Lepidium sativum L seeds lessening its amount by involving free Cu+2 in complexes with other waste products.

toxicity biotest, copper ions, purified industrial wastewater, Lepidium sativum L., Pseudorasbora parva

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Mariyana Lyubenova, Snejana Dineva, Kristiana Cala, Branislav Dinich, Silvena Boteva, Ecotoxicity of Purified Industrial Wastewater , SCIREA Journal of Environment. Volume 3, Issue 3, June 2019 | PP. 70-93.


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